Dear Mama,

June 13, 2008 - Leave a Response

I talked to Willie yesterday.  We had a nice talk and I’m glad we finally caught up with each other.  He’s so smart and I’m so proud of everything he’s doing.  I know you are too.  He just needs to keep plugging away and not give up.  I think he’ll be great at whatever he does…… whether he makes it to being an RN or just a CMA.  He’ll be great at it.  It seems so funny that we are both doing such similar things.  He is so different than I am but he loves the job of caring for people as much as I do.  I can tell he is just as passionate as I am.  I sure wish he were closer to me. 

I want to call aunt Edith and talk to her.  I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately.  I think she understands how I feel better than anyone.  Maybe because she is your sister…..maybe because she’s a councillor….. who knows.

Love ya Mama

Dear Mama,

June 3, 2008 - Leave a Response

I wish you could see Riley pulling weeds and watering the garden.  He loves helping me outside and tending the young plants I have started indoors.  I watch him as he looks for weeds in the garden like they are some predator and it makes me laugh.  He has definitely been bitten by the gardening bug….  Or maybe he just got the gardening gene that I got from you….and you got from your mom.  The legacy continues.

Poem written on the way to GA

May 31, 2008 - Leave a Response


If I could turn back time
I’d go back to yesterday
So I could say “I love you”
Before you went away

Then I’d make those forgotten calls
That never reached your ears
So you’d know you weren’t forgotten
Through all the passing years

I’d pull the harsh words I said
From my mouth before they hurt you
And I’d add a few
where there should have been some too.

Mama, don’t forget me now
I’ll still talk to you now and then
And keep an eye on the door
’cause you never know when I’ll come see you again.


Written in the air on 2/18/08

Dear Mama,

May 31, 2008 - Leave a Response

I rememeber when you were here last and you helped me plant my first garden at my new house.  I was so hoping you could come back and help me again.  I have dedicated my front garden to you and I will always keep it beatiful.  I just planted 2 white bleeding hearts there along with pink and burgandy flowers.  I started burgandy sweetpeas and deep red sunflowers from seed.  I hope they look as pretty growing on my fence as I’ve imagined.  I’m looking for just the right angel to put there for you.

I wore your gardening hat today as I planted.  I wondered why you attached the piece of elastic like you did until the first good gust of wind.  I just imagined you chacing that hat in the planting fields behind your garden and it gave me a little laugh. 

I miss you.
